Thursday, January 27, 2011

The tooth fairy does exsist!

Sofia lost her second tooth yesterday at school. It came out at lunch time and there were a few tears but she soon cheered up with the thought of the tooth fairy visiting ! When she got home she sat and drew a picture and wrote a note for the tooth fairy and placed them under her pillow along with the tooth. The 'tooth fairy', who was rather worried about waking Sofia when he....sorry....she retrieved the tooth from under the pillow, left a little note in writing so small I couldn't read it and also a shiny pound coin wrapped in a pink ribbon. Sofia was really happy to wake this morning to find these little treasures under her 5.30am! Also amazed to find the picture had gone too.

Rob is hoping that Sofia will grow out of expecting a note every time! I gently reminded him that he will have to do it all again soon when Lucas teeth start falling out :o) .

1 comment:

Roberta Norwich said...

Oh, all I remember is a matchbox, some cotton wool and a shilling (ten pence nowadays!)....